Terms of Use | Performerspot - LiveJasmin Webcam Models and Members Adult Social Network


1. Memberships: The default standard membership at this site has some limitations. Those invited here by performers or other active site members may request their account be upgraded to the unlimited membership. Other requests may also be granted an upgrade. More information will be sent to your site inbox upon sign-up. All memberships on this site are FREE, so no services are guaranteed. By joining this site, you certify that you are at least 18 years of age and are legally allowed to view adult related material (i.e., images, videos, etc.) in the country, state, area, locale, where you reside and/or from which you view this sites content. As a member of this site you agree that you are not offended by any sexually orientated material and you indemnify performerspot.com, it's owners, employees, affiliates, and members from liability of any offenses or damages suffered by you or anyone you allow to view this site.

2. Usage: As a member, you are solely responsible for the material you upload to this site. Materials depicting minors or animals in a sexually explicit manner are strictly prohibited. Materials depicting blood or toilette games are also prohibited. It is your responsibility to abide the laws of your locale. As a member you are never allowed the right to harass or defame any other member of this site. Defamatory statements about other members are strictly prohibited anywhere on this site. Inviting members here by spamming chat sites or other affiliate sites is prohibited. Using this site to spam or otherwise promote other affiliate sites is also prohibited.

3. Privacy Policy: Performerspot.com will not sell, trade, or otherwise share your e-mail address or personal information with any other site or person. Although, you do understand any information or material you provide on your page, blogs, chat, or any other part of this site is considered public and could be seen by other members. Performerspot.com will not be held liable for information or material considered public or viewable by other members and guests.

4. Cookies: Our website uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to help provide you with the best possible experience. As an ad sponsored website, we have partners that also use cookies. These third party cookies from our sponsors websites are what allows sites like this to be free for members and gives us the right to use the sponsor provided content to promote their brands. We only promote safe websites and we screen all of our partners ads and sites to ensure they are safe and free of malware.

5. Acceptance: Your acceptance of any membership or other involvement on this site is your certification that you fully read, understand, and agree to the terms set fourth by this agreement. Your acceptance also certifies your agreement to receive occasional e-mails from performerspot.com. You further agree that you will reread this agreement from time to time. Additions and changes can be made at any time without notice.